LOMO 小琉球 2010 機車展 慕谷慕魚 溯溪
???????!(當天演出的節目冊頁面)首先...提醒一下要是看不懂標題或覺得標題有任何奇怪的地方...請不要懷疑你的眼睛 更不要懷疑你的電腦是不是中毒了因為那個標題 是「謝謝」的俄文寫法啦!念法?用英文的發音來念就是「spasibo」!*****有關莫斯科的天價慈善演唱會(那真的是慈善性質啦...不是A錢性質...)總算有與會歌迷傳來消息了...其中一位還是從隔壁的烏克蘭跑來的...看來歌迷跨國看演唱會的情形很普遍啊...(當然也有跨海的)來看看歌迷們來自莫斯科現場的報導吧...看的懂英文的就直接看看不懂的 凡妮莎很想提供翻譯不過手邊還有事啊(不要以為期中考完了就閒著沒事!) 不知道會不會整篇翻也許不會因為這兩篇「心得報告」都是出自同一場演唱會 發生什麼事該提的應該都有提到 所以幫你抓個大綱就好首先是來自莫斯科的VoXi:[原文出處~有最大張圖片的那篇就是了~很醒目的]Good evening dear Divas. Sorry for not making this report at once. I think there is no need to describe our worrying before the concert when we were gathering and our exciting when we entered the hall and saw the stage, decorated in all Il Divo traditions (white steps, orchestra and band parts). The concert began half an hour later (I don’t know why(((() Sorry but I’m still so excited that there is a terrible mess in my head and I don’t remember who came first: band or orchestra. They started with uverture. Then was the first song “Nights in white satin”. First Sebastien came on the stage, than Carlos (his gait of his own way was evident even in the shadow), then David and Urs. I won’t describe the order of songs because you can see it in the applet of the concert. Here it is.(圖片省略不放)The hall was mostly silent. We were managed to move to the closer seats and our clapping and screaming were the loudest in the hall. A couple of times people came to us with words “Won’t you shut up!!!!!!”. But it didn’t stop us. How else could we show guys that Russia was really waiting for them and happy to see them at last? And there was a result)))) David and Carlos laughed a lot)))) And when we got up clapping Sebastien even thumbed up to us. But unfortunately for us, ubers, we didn’t manage to attract Urs’s attention not even for a second(((( I also think that there’s no need to describe fabulous light, sound. The band and orchestra were great. Guys looked and sang fantastic. Especially Sebastien, his voice sounded better then I ever heard. Unfortunately the guards were very strict and there were an opportunity to get close to the stage only for those, who were with flowers and presents, and only for short time. So I didn’t have such opportunity. But I’m not upset because as for I me I got what I wanted and wanted and what I was waiting for: a great performance with, great light, brilliant sound of beautiful music and fabulous singing of four gorgeous guys. I imagined before how great it could be. But it really was much more brilliant.接著是來自烏克蘭的frina:[原文出處~倒數第四篇]Hello ladies! Firtht of all i wanna thank you for all your wishes and support befor concert. I return from Moskow only today and now i can post my report here. Also I want to thank Natalia who has translated my post for Russian section into english Thank you Natalia! The concert was just amazing! I have been in the state of nirvana and have not turned back to reality since. I apologize in advance if my report is a bit messy, but I still cannot put my emotions in order. So, we were sitting in the middle of the third row (I still cannot believe we were so close, though I had the ticket for 41 ) and I’d like to thank Katja and Lena for those seats. I was hearing a very loud group of girls to the right, so I knew the others girls from forum managed to move closer to the stage too. The seats in front of us on the first row as well as three seats on the second row were empty, but no one was allowed to sit there unless they had the tickets for these seats. Still, my seat was perfect! I did not intend to make pictures, but later on decided that it would be a sin not to take advantage of this seat, so I decided to take a few pictures. Unfortunately, I cannot upload them today, but I’ll try as soon as possible to do that. The concert started 20 minutes later because many were late for the event. The hall was practically full, if there were empty seats they were very few. The boys’ CDs were sold at the hall foyer and before the concert some people would take a look at them and only few purchased something. But after the concert finished there was such a crowd and everyone wanted to buy their CDs and DVD. And now comes time for the concert report. The lights were dimmed and we heard first sounds of the introduction. I cannot explain in words what I was feeling inside. This was my dream come true after almost two years of waiting. And the last weeks before the concert I was feeling like I had a fever! When Notte Di Luce began and Seb appeared on the stage I was feeling heavenly. The audience exploded! We were clapping and screaming! Then Carlos came and got the same welcome. When my sunshine David came I wanted to jump out of my chair Afterwards came Urs, but I had no more voice to scream, I spent it all on Dave. When they came down the stairs and moved to their four places on the stage I felt like I needed three more pairs of eyes because I wanted to look at all of them all the time. Me and three uber babes were sitting a bit to the right side of the centre, to Seb & Urs’ side, but of course I was attracted to the left side of the stage Seb was standing right in front of us, so he got most of our attention. I know that this is no secret, but Seb is such a handsome man! He is absolutely perfect! And overall I think that this was his night. He was shining, smiling, joking … For me there were two suns on the stage this evening. I am faithful to David of course, but Seb won over a place in my heart. I will not describe how each of them was singing that night – they are always wonderful and no one can doubt their talent. I will just say that Seb exceeded my expectations. His voice is so beautiful, tender, clear and very strong. Superb! I was waiting for him to forget his lyrics, but he did not except for one moment when he mixed up the words and had a “ooops” expression on his face. He was perfect in everything else. I had the feeling that Urs was somewhere far away .. he was very concentrated, did not speak and did not smile until the last part of the concert. But he also did a little dance during La Vida Sin Amor! David and Carlos were gorgeous as always! The audience welcomed them very warmly and once gave them a really long ovation right before Mama. We could tell the guys enjoyed that and Sebastien even said at one point “May we continue now?” or something similar. Dave and Sebastien had a hard time getting into the mood for Mama because they had these huge grins on their faces after the applause. The last part was the one I enjoyed the most. I had a box of candies for David and Katja had a one for Urs. We put the guys’ names on them. There was one tiny detail – we had to give them to the boys. After My Way we took our flowers and decided to go to the stage because the Divos said this was the final song. I tried to sneak through to the stage. But the security guards were standing there not letting anyone pass through We had to return to our seats, but I really wanted to approach the guys. Ladies were gathering in the aisles with flowers, gifts and cameras. Regresa passed like a dream because I was so nervous whether they would let us go to the stage. When they announced they’ll sing Somewhere everyone was in a position to run to the stage. But only a few were lucky enough to approach the guys. And then, the security guard in front of us started to talk to someone and moved away. One of my friends Lena noticed that, took the candy boxes and the books for autographs and dashed to the stage. When I saw her I started to run after her with my camera. But she was going to the exactly opposite direction to the one I wanted to go and gave the candy box to Urs. I think we were the only ones at the stage in this moment. She was giving him my book for autographs while he was still singing. I was standing there so close to him, but it was so unreal to see him lean forward, take a pen and give her autograph. Then he turned towards me and smiled and this is when it occurred to me that I could take a picture of him, although he began to move away when the camera finally started functioning. I will post the picture later. Then the guards came and took us back to the seats so I could not reach the other guys, but Lena heroically managed to reach David and give him my candies, took his autograph and even got a handshake from Seb. When Somewhere ended, everyone who wanted to go to the stage was allowed to do so and I rushed towards David, but my book for autographs remained in Lena so I was just standing there looking at him. The stage was low and I was so close I could see his face so well. Carlos was right beside him and I even saw the makeup on his face. I was standing there numb and just stared. I have never expected to behave like such a crazy fan. Then they bowed and quickly left the stage. I went back to my seat to take my bag. I noticed that the gifts and the flowers were still on the stage, but my candy box was gone. Then we went to the back stage door where other girls were waiting as well. The guys left in cars and did not get off. I saw only Seb in the last car – he was talking on his cellphone. That’s all. I felt so sad that everything ended so fast, but I definitely had the time of my life! I could not go to sleep that night, but was thinking about every single detail from the concert, how Urs smiled to me, how handsome is Seb and how it felt like to see David no longer on pictures, but so close!*****(其實我有點想要翻 所以以下文字的邏輯可能會有點亂 見諒)樓上這位歌迷的運氣真的很好他買的是41排的票 但是卻做到第三排中間的位置黃金區塊啊這個因為當天有不少人士來遲 所以演出慢了20分鐘開始(一定是大人物遲到演出才會延遲...)不過當nights in white satin的旋律響起時...全場暴動(一開始這樣很正常啦...)先出場的是SEB, 然後是老大 接著是茶米 最後是小厄當茶米出場時 這位歌迷幾乎是要從椅子上跳起來(跟凡妮莎一樣...我感同身受啊)放聲尖叫到不久後URS出場時已經沒聲音了...在演唱MAMA之前 觀眾們給了非常熱烈的迴響熱烈到SEB問:"我們可以繼續了嗎?"...哈哈觀眾給的回應熱烈 台上的表演者當然開心(笑的燦爛的勒)以至於接下來要演唱的MAMA讓SEB和茶米似乎花了一番功夫才進入那有點小悲傷的情境...對了 我先提一下根據歌迷指出 現場有賣薯叔們的CD以及DVD一開始是沒有很多人買(可能歌迷都已經有了 不是歌迷的還不想馬上買「陌生人」的碗糕吧)不過演出結束後 啊可是搶手貨呢話說回來因為這場的票價實在是太驚人(重複一次:六千塊台幣坐樓上後排 八萬塊台幣坐樓下前排)所以出席的「正港歌迷」並不多而divos演唱會的「經典場面」都沒有出現-最經典的就是Somewhere時那和樂融融的溫馨場面...其實Somwhere時 只有VIP區的觀眾可以前往台前 有些後排的歌迷就沒份啦凡妮莎覺得警衛大概有衝動想要把那些「正港歌迷」給殺了看她們衝到台前放禮物 還要要簽名順便握個手( Lena heroically managed to reach David and give him my candies, took his autograph and even got a handshake from Seb-Lena神勇的試圖接近茶米把我的糖果給他、向他索取簽名甚至跟seb握個手)不夠進入狀況的人大概會以為這是暴動或什麼之類的吧哎 不過看過其他場演唱會的人就知道這種情況-特別是在Somewhere時到台前-是很正常的 沒有禁止的必要somewhere一結束 禁令就解除啦歌迷就往台前衝 衝到茶米面前該位歌迷因為要讓茶米簽名的東西在朋友那(就是那個Lena)所以就生了跟似的站在那裡 瞪大眼睛看著茶米舞台並不高 所以茶米的臉蛋可是看的一清二楚-甚至站在茶米身後的老大臉蛋上的妝都看的到應該有些歌迷知道 四位團員中 最容易忘詞的就是SEB而該位歌迷非常想要看到SEB把歌詞弄混然後露出"OOPS"表情的臉蛋可是SEB不知道為什麼那天表現特好 從頭到尾沒忘過詞(好棒!)而我們的瑞士出品品質保證有夠給他悶騷的悶燒鍋 歌迷形容他當天很鎮定一直到演出尾聲 他老兄才露出難得的微笑不過LVSA他也有小扭一段就是(就說了是悶騷...)演出結束後 「照理說」DIVOS還會在後台出入口跟歌迷有一些接觸與互動不過這次雖然說還是有歌迷在後台出入口守候但是DIVOS直接驅車離開...並沒有下車和歌迷接觸SEB在車隊中最後一台車內熱線中凡妮莎懷疑 他當晚之所以表現的如此傑出是不是因為要結婚了 喜孜孜啊?話說回來 這位歌迷寫的最後一段簡直快把凡妮莎的淚給逼出來”how it felt like to see David no longer on pictures, but so close!”當不再在圖片上,而是如此近距離的看到茶米是什麼感覺...如果有一天凡妮莎能夠see David no longer on pictures, but so close圖片中你朝思暮想的人 現在在你面前那麼真實的出現...那應該是不會比上天堂美妙多少的感覺吧這是到目前為止凡妮莎看到在當天所攝的團體照我知道畫質很不好 但是聊勝於無 真的(從杜拜到莫斯科我都是這個心態)看的出來茶米還是繼續把那隻蝴蝶綁在胸前哎 真的覺得他打領帶比較好看(個人主觀啦)但這其實不是重點就算穿的再怎麼好看 歌唱不好還是沒有用有歌迷發現當天茶米似乎幾度對他的嗓音有點小困擾 但台下的大家似乎都沒發現(凡妮莎覺得那要耳朵夠尖 且要流著點歌迷的血液的才聽的出來)啊 不知道茶米是不是有點水土不服啊不過沒關係他們現在應該已經離開俄羅斯囉 也許是回到英國吧對了...有一件事我差點忘了提就是茶米有用俄文說「謝謝」俄文的謝謝要怎麼說 文章一開始我就提過「???????(spasibo)」這是凡妮莎第一句學會的俄文呢!應該有不少人想要知道「我愛你」的俄文怎說吧?凡妮莎幫你查好啦...「? ????? ???? (Ya Tibia Lyublyu)」以下的畫面大家應該不難想像...凡妮莎正對著茶米的照片喃喃念著:「? ????? ???? !」話說回來凡妮莎要再重複第N次對於帶給我們這場演唱會任何消息的歌迷 凡妮莎真的都非常感謝從現場回來的歌迷對於自己拍攝的照片品質不佳表示歉意其實沒這個必要(凡妮莎知道一般相機要清楚拍攝舞臺上移動的人是非常困難的)再說 大部分的歌迷去演唱會的目的並不是去拍照錄影 而是要去聽好歌他們能留下美好的回憶 那才是最重要的也很感謝他們知道全世界的歌迷的消息來源都靠他們了特地用非母語的英文寫了如此詳盡的REPORT給我們看(記得我們在等待消息的時候有人出來說:there will be reports, pictures and videos...but some divas are not home yet, and others are struggling writing the report in English...絕對會有「(心得)報告/或是演唱會實況報導」、圖片及影片...但是有些歌迷還沒到家(記得有從烏克蘭來的吧?),有些還在掙扎著用英文寫作...)這場凡妮莎高度關注的演唱會 終於是劃下了句點凡妮莎在集疲累喜悅於一身之餘 腦中想著茶米的溫柔嗓音說著「???????」在文章的最後 再說一聲:「???????!」